CECR 1. - 3. 12. 2022, Bratislava

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Nový termín je 1. - 3. 12. 2022, Bratislava

Dear Presidents of National Societies, dear friends,

I am writing to you again regarding the organization of the CECR congress. Given that the epidemiological situation is still critical and that there is no forecast of an improvement by the end of 2021, the Slovak Rheumatology Society as a host country proposes a further postponement of the CECR to the year 2022, with the new date being: 1 - 3 December 2022.

Želmira Macejova, M.D., Ph.D.
President of Slovak Rheumatology Society

Martin Žlnay, M.D., Ph.D.
Scientific Secretary of Slovak Rheumatology Society

Zdenko Killinger, M.D., Ph.D.
Chairman of the organizing committee